Know the benefits of Azolla

  • Azola is an aquatic fern that is commonly grown in paddy fields or shallow water.
  • Azola contains a microorganism of green algae species called Anabina which stabilizes atmospheric nitrogen in the presence of sunlight and contains 3.5 percent nitrogen and various types of organic matter which increase fertility of the land.
  • The use of azolla as a fertilizer is expected to increase the production of paddy crop by 5 to 15 percent.
  • The use of Azolla supplies protein, amino acids, vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, which is good for the physical development of animals. 
  • Using azolla feed, it increases 20% more milk production than animals and its milk is found to be more fat and non-fat. 
  • Presently, given the availability of useful nutrients for animals, ajola can be called cheap, digestible and nutritious supplementary animal feed for milch animals, chickens and goats.

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