Know the importance of potash in the crop

Due to the lack of nutrients in the soil, the proper development of plants is not possible. That’s why the use of manure and fertilizers should be balanced so that the crop can get all kinds of essential nutrients in sufficient quantities.

Potash is an essential nutrient

  • Potash is necessary for the growth and development of plants.

  • Potash helps in protecting the crops from weather adversities like drought, hailstorms and insect-disease etc.

  • Potash protects crops from uprooting by proper growth of roots. With the use of potash, the cell walls of the plants become thick and the stem grows in the layers of the cell, as a result of which the crop is protected from falling.

  • The crops which get full amounts of potassium require relatively less water to give the desired yield, the use of this light potassium improves the water use efficiency of the crop.

  • Potash is the most important element which enhances the quality of crops.

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