If you want bumper yield of wheat then do seed treatment before sowing

  • By treating the seeds properly before sowing, all the wheat seeds germinate equally after sowing.

  • This protects the wheat crop from soil-borne and seed-borne diseases.

  • Seed treatment protects the wheat crop from deadly diseases like Karnal bunt, Rust, Loose smut, Blight etc.

  • In wheat crops, we can do seed treatment by two methods: chemical and biological.

  • For chemical treatment, before sowing, treat the seeds with CARBENDAZIM 12% + MANCOZEB 63% @ 2.5 gm/kg seed or CARBOXIN 17.5%+ THIRAM 17.5% @ 2.5 gm/kg seed.

  • As Biological treatment, do seed treatment at the rate of TRICHODERMA VIRIDE @ 5 gm/kg + PSB @ 2 gm or PSB @ 2 gm + mycorrhiza @ 5 gram/kg seeds.

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