Add Farm with Gramophone app and increase yield by 40% in less cost

If you are a farmer and you or any member of your household uses a smart phone, then you can bring many revolutionary changes in your agriculture. You can bring this change through Gramophone Krishi Mitra app. Through this app today thousands of farmers are doing smart farming and getting good profits in less agricultural expenditure. All these farmers actually connect their fields with the gramophone app and they get timely information through the app about the activities to be done in their fields throughout the crop cycle.

Any farmer can add his farm with Gramophone app. To do this, first you have to go to the ‘My Farm’ option of the app and then click on the ‘Add Farm’ button there. After doing this, you will have to fill some information related to your field and crop like field name, crop name, sowing date and field area information.

By just filling this, your farm will be connected to the app and you will get information about which agricultural work you have to do in the entire crop cycle ahead of time. Along with this, you will also get information about which agricultural products you can use in your crop.

Many farmers used this feature of gramophone app and wrote the word of prosperity, many farmers got up to 40% increase in yield and reduced agricultural expenditure. Due to this, a significant increase in profits is being made to many farmers. Now it’s your turn, this Kharif season all your crops fields with Gramophone app and connect with prosperity.

Click here to Add your farm with Gramophone App


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