Important tips for the storage of wheat crop

  • At present, wheat threshing work is going on in full swing in the fields. After this, the next process is wheat storage.

  • While storing wheat, keeping the following things in mind, you can keep the grains safe for a long time-

  • The grains should not have more than 10-12% moisture content for safe storage. Excess moisture makes the grain prone to pest and fungus outbreaks. Therefore, dry the wheat thoroughly before storage, after drying, if the grain breaks with the sound of cracking when pressed with the teeth, then understand that it is completely dry and is fit for storage.

  • After drying the grains in the sun, keep them in the shade for some time before storage, so that the heat of the grains goes out.

  • To keep the grain safe from pests, clean the godowns thoroughly before storing them, and burn neem leaves and smoke in the warehouse.

  • Use chemical grain gold @ 1 ampule per quintal of grains while storing or after storage, the warehouse should be closed by keeping two tablets of aluminium phosphide 3 gm per tonne of grains.

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