Broad leaf weeds will cause 25 to 35% loss in wheat yield

  • Weeds are one of the biggest problems in the wheat crop. Due to weeds, a 25 to 35% reduction in crop production has been observed. Because, of the nutrients which are given to the crops, those nutrients are absorbed by the weeds. Due to this, the main crop becomes weak. 

  • There are mainly two types of weeds in wheat, such as the narrow-leaved weeds Motha, Kans, wild oats, Phalaris etc. and the broad-leaved weeds such as Bathua, Senji, Kasni, Wild Spinach, Krishna Neel, Hirankhuri etc.

  • Spray weedicide within 30 to 40 days after sowing when the weeds are in the stage of 2 to 5 leaves. There should be sufficient moisture in the field at the time of spraying. Use a flat fan or flood jet nozzle. Spray 10 to 12 tanks per acre.

  • For broadleaf weed control, spray Novamine 58 (2,4-D dimethyl amine salt 58% SL) @ 300-500 ml or Convo (Metsulfuron-Methyl 20 % WP) @ 8 gm, per acre @ 200 litres of water.

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