Supply green fodder from silage for animal feed in summer

Animal parents are forced to feed only dry fodder and grain to the animals in the summer season, and due to this, the milking animals start giving less milk. In this situation, farmers are troubled thinking about what to feed their animals instead of green fodder.

First of all let’s talk, about what is silage.

Silage is made by cutting green gram, maize, napier grass, berseem etc. into small pieces and mixing it with salt and other essential nutrients. Even in silage, just like green fodder, the amount of carbohydrates and micronutrients should be correct, so animal rearers should necessary to take care of maize, sorghum, oats, lutesan, napier grass, cowpea, berseem, legumes, barley, millet,etc

When the grains are in the state of filling milk, then only they should be cut. If the water is more, then the fodder should be slightly dried so that the moisture content remains 60 to 65%.


  • Silage ensures a regular supply of fodder to dairy animals.

  • It is a uniform quality fodder for livestock in different seasons.

  • Silage can be made in almost every season.

  • Feeding silage to livestock is an effective tool for the control of parasitic diseases, as parasites present at different stages of green fodder are destroyed during processing.

  • Increases productivity of animals during lean periods by ensuring supply of silage.

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