How to manage weed in cotton

  • Weeds are the main problem in the cotton crop due to which the yield decreases. The cotton field should be weed-free for 50-60 days from sowing.

  • It is essential for good yield. Remove weeds by hand before first irrigation or sowing. Also, repeat this process after every irrigation. 

  • Use herbicide within three days of sowing, for this spray Dost (Pendimethalin 30% EC) at the rate of 1000 ml/acre.

  • Sufficient moisture should be present in the soil at the time of herbicide application. By its use, the crop remains weed-free for 40 days.

  • If herbicide was not used at the time of sowing, do weeding between 18 to 20 days after sowing.

  • Use a flat fan nozzle to spray herbicide.

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