Importance of Boron in Cucurbit crops and symptoms of deficiency

Importance of Boron: It Stabilizes plant tissues and improves crop vigour. Boron works with calcium and also helps in increasing the quality of the crop. Along with this, Boron has a major contribution to making flowers and fruits in crops. It plays a major role in preventing flower and fruit drops and in increasing the size and quality of fruits.

Deficiency Symptoms: The younger leaves of the plant are smaller than normal and may be curled. Yellowing proceeds from the marginal area between the veins towards the centre. The youngest leaves show necrotic tips. Growing points dieback and flowering and fruit set is poor. Also, flexibility is necessary for the proper development of fruit but due to the deficiency of Boron, there is hardness in the fruit skin and due to which the cracks appear on the fruits. 

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