Management of fruit fly in gourd crops

  • The maggot burrows into the fruits and remains inside and feeds. Infected fruits decay and drop.

  • They fly mainly prefers tender fruits for egg-laying. Ovipositional punctures are caused by adults. From these holes, fruit juice is seen coming out. Eventually, the affected fruits rot.

  • Grown fruits infested with Fruit fly should be collected and destroyed

  • To control these flies, corn plants should be grown between the queues in the gourd field, due to the height of these plants, the fly lays eggs under the leaves.

  • During summer, deep ploughing should destroy the dormant stage (pupa) of the fly present inside the soil.

  • For effective control of pests, use light traps, Pheromone traps.

  • Spray Thiamethoxam 12.6 % + Lamda Cyhalothrin 9.5%zc 80 ml/acre or PROFENOFOS 40 % + CYPERMETHRIN 4% EC @ 400 ml/acre or Fipronil 40 % + Imidacloprid 40 % Wg 40 gm / acre.  

  • As a biological treatment.use  Bavaria Basiana @ 250 gm / acre.

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