Registration will start soon for the purchase of Green Gram at MSP

Currently, many state governments are procuring rabi crops at the minimum support price. This work is also going on in Madhya Pradesh. However, the Madhya Pradesh government has gone a step ahead in this task and has announced that in the coming times, like the rabi crops, the main crop of the Zayed season, Green Gram will be procured at the MSP.

Although the harvesting of Green Gram is not yet done, the state government is taking a decision to purchase it. Registration of farmers for procurement of Green Gram will be started soon. Madhya Pradesh Agriculture Minister Kamal Patel said that “the government is with the farmers in this hour of crisis. In order to provide support price to the produce, they are being procured at the committee level even in the Corona crisis.”

Source: Nai Dunia

Do not bother to sell your crop, do direct talk and deal with trusted buyers sitting at home on Gramophone’s Gram Vyapar.


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