Learn preventive measures from Corona and make the people around you aware as well

Corona is a virus which has caused a global epidemic for more than a year. It has taken the whole world under its control. The epidemic has spread to India as well and is currently showing an impact in almost all the states of India. Although vaccination has also started now, even after this, you should know all the information related to it and preventive measures.

How is corona infection?

Corona is a virus and it infects other individuals only through the person who is infected.

What to do to prevent infection?

  • To avoid corona infection, you should wash your hands with soap.

  • If there is no soap, you can also clean your hands with a 60% alcohol sanitizer.

  • Corona virus can enter you from your mouth, eyes and nose, so avoid touching your mouth, eyes and nose with your hands.

  • The infection is caused by an infected person, so until it can be controlled, then you should stay at a distance of 6 feet from any person and must also wear a mask.

  • In the initial days, the infected person does not even know that he is infected but he keeps spreading this infection to others, so the government is asking to stay away from people.

Vaccination will take time for all the people of the country, so to prevent its spread, the government is still asking for masks, social distancing, lockdown and curfew. So register your participation in the steps being taken by the government and prevent the spread of corona infection.


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