Importance of Zinc

  • India’s agricultural land has a deficit of zinc is 50%, which will be up to 63% by 2025.
  • Studies have shown that due to zinc deficiency in the soil, there is a lack of zinc in the crops produced in that soil, (according to IZAI) 25% of India’s population is lacking in zinc.
  • Zinc needed strongly for the development of the plant . it is one of the eight essential micronutrients.
  • In India, zinc (Zn) is now considered as the fourth most important yield-limiting nutrient in agricultural crops
  • In plants, zinc is a key constituent of many enzymes and proteins. It plays an important role in a wide range of processes, such as growth hormone production and internode elongation.
  • Deficiency in zinc might result in a significant reduction in crop yields and quality. In fact, yield can be reduced by over 20% before any visual symptoms of the deficiency occur.
  • Young leaves of zinc-deficient plants are small with yellow interveinal mottling. 
  • Necrotic interveinal areas occur in expanded and older leaves. 
  • oil application of zinc sulfate @ 20 kg/acre is recommended.


Importance of Microbes in Soil (ZnSB )

  1. India’s agricultural land has a deficit of zinc is 50%, which will be up to 63% by 2025.
  2. Zinc is an essential micronutrient for plant growth. But it remains unavailable in the soil which plants cannot use easily.
  3. This bacterium provides an available form of zinc and as well as control of ‘Khera disease’ in paddy, increased crop yield and quality of yield, improve soil health and increases the activity of hormones and also increases the activity of photosynthesis.
  4. Zinc-soluble bacteria produce organic acids in the soil and convert insoluble zinc (zinc sulfide, zinc oxide, and zinc carbonate) into Zn+  (Available form of Zinc) form and maintain soil pH.
  5. zinc soluble bacteria @ 2 kg/acre mix with 50 kg of well-decomposed FYM and broadcast in the field.

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Importance of Zinc solubilizing bacteria

Zinc solubilizing bacteria naturally occurring and beneficial bacteria which produces various organic acids and makes solubilization of inorganic zinc and convert into bio-available form which helps in plant growth and multiplication.

  • Useful for deficiency of zinc in Paddy (Khera disease), tomato, onion, wheat, okra.
  • Increase crop yield and the quality of the produce
  • Increase hormones activities
  • Increase Plant growth and root growth
  • Increase photosynthetic activity
  • Increase soil fertility and the effect can be seen on next crop season because of bacterial multiplication and presence.

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Role of zinc in Plants

Role of zinc in Plants:- Zinc, one of the eight essential micronutrients and an important constituent of several enzymes and proteins, is only needed by plants in small quantities. However, it is crucial to plant development, as it plays a significant part in a wide range of processes. The Zn deficiency is becoming more critical more than 40 per cent yield losses can have major economical impact on the farmer due to reduce income.

Function of Zinc: Zinc activates enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins. It is used in the formation of chlorophyll and some carbohydrates, conversion of starches to sugars and its presence in plant tissue helps the plant to withstand cold temperatures. Zinc is essential in the formation of auxins, which help with growth regulation and stem elongation.

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