Management of Wilt in Pea

  • Treat seeds with Carboxin 37.%+ Thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm /kg or Trichoderma viride @ 5 gm/kg before sowing and avoid early sowing in badly infected areas.
  • Follow 3 years crops rotation.
  • Destroy the weed hosts.
  • Apply Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre at 15 days after sowing.
  • Spraying Thiaphanate methyl 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at before flowering.
  • Spraying Propiconazole 25% EC @ 125 ml/acre at pod formation stage.

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Symptoms of Wilt in Pea

  • The roots turn black and the later rot away.

  • Plant growth is checked, foliage turn yellow and downward curling of stipules and leaflets takes place.

  • The entire plant wilts and the stem shrivels.


Symptoms and control of Fusarium wilt in Okra

  • Initially, the plants show temporary wilting symptoms which become permanent and progressive.
  • The leaves of the affected plants show yellowing.
  • Eventually, the plants die.
  • The fungus invades the root system and colonizes the vascular symptoms.
  • In doing so, water movement is blocked and toxins from the fungus alter normal cell function.
  • Cutting the base of the stem revel a dark woody portion.


  • Continuous cultivation of okra on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Seed treatment with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% @ 2-3 g/kg of seed OR  Thiophanate Methyl 45% + Pyraclostrobin 5% FS @ 2 g/kg of seed.
  • spray and drenching with Thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 400 g/acre.
  • Azoxystrobin 18.2% + Difenoconazole 11.4% SC @ 200 ml/acre.
  • RFor bio management, apply Trichoderma viridae for soil application and foliar spray. It controls all types of fungal infections in the crop.

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Control of wilt in okra

  • Initially, the plants show temporary wilting symptoms which become permanent and progressive.
  • The leaves of the affected plants show yellowing, loose turgidity and show drooping symptoms.
  • Eventually, the plants die.
  • Cutting the base of the stem revel a dark woody portion.
  • Continuous cultivation of okra on the same piece of land should be avoided.
  • Crop rotation should be applied in case of fields are severely infected.
  • Spray of thiophanate methyl 70% WP @ 200-300 gm /acre.
  • And spray of hexaconazole 5% EC @ 250-400 ml/acre is also effective.

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Management of Wilt in Pea

Management of Wilt in Pea:-

  • The roots turn black and the later rot away.
  • Plant growth is checked, foliage turn yellow and  downward curling of stipules and leaflets takes place.
  • The entire plant wilts and the stem shrivels.


  • Treat seeds with Carboxin 37.%+ Thiram 37.5% @ 2 gm /kg or Trichoderma viride @ 5 gm/kg before sowing and avoid early sowing in badly infected areas.
  • Follow 3 years crops rotation.
  • Destroy the weed hosts.
  • Apply Mycorrhiza @ 4 kg/acre at 15 days after sowing.
  • Spraying Thiaphanate methyl 75% WP @ 300 gm/acre at before flowering.
  • Spraying Propiconazole 25% EC @ 125 ml/acre at pod formation stage.

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Prevention of Fusarium Wilt in Gram

Wilt in chickpea (Gram) caused by Fusarium oxysporum fungi. Warm and humid environment is favourable for it. the prevention of the disease, the following precautions have to be taken.
• Conserved soil moisture during Monsoon.
• Level up after deep ploughing (6-7 inch).
• Use disease-free seed.
• Avoid sowing when temperatures are high.
• Follow 6-year crop rotations.
• Grow resistant varieties.
• Seed treatment with carbendazim 3 g /kg,
• Avoid sowing when temperatures are high. Sown in second and third week of October.
• Irrigation in November-December.
