Why single super phosphate a boon for agriculture

Why single super phosphate a boon for agriculture
  • Single Super Phosphate (SSP) will prove to be a boon for agriculture to get more yield at a lower cost. Farmers can now use SSP instead of DAP fertilizer. 

  • Single Super Phosphate is a phosphorus fertilizer containing 16% phosphorus, 11% sulfur and 21% calcium. The granular SSP also contains zinc and boron as trace elements. Due to the sulfur available in it, this fertilizer is more beneficial for oilseeds and pulses than other fertilizers.

  • Sulfur is available in SSP which increases the oil content in oilseed crops like mustard crops and protein content in pulse crops like gram, mung, urad etc. Due to this, farmers should use as much as possible Single superphosphate. In Rabi season, by using an SSP in mustard and gram, you can get more yield at less cost.

  • Why should the farmer buy SSP – SSP fertilizer is cheaper than DAP and is easily available in the market. 23 kg of Phosphorus and 9 kg of Nitrogen is found in DAP per bag. If 3 bags of SSP and 1 bag of urea are used as an alternative to DAP, then more Nitrogen and Phosphorus can be obtained at an even lower cost. Apart from this, the crop also does not have to add sulfur and calcium separately, which reduces the cost of cropping.

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