Problem and solution of Damping Off in Cotton Crop

Whitefly infestation and control measures in tomatoes

Damping Off disease is one of the few fatal diseases in the cotton crop. 5 to 20% of crops are destroyed due to this disease. The effect of Damping Off disease is more visible in 10-15 days old plants. Due to Damping Off disease, the roots and stems of the plants start rotting. The stems of the plants start getting thin and the leaves start withering. When the problem of this disease increases, the leaves of the plants turn yellow, start drying up and the plants fall on the ground.

Methods of controlling Damping Off disease: 

  • To save the crop from this disease, adopt crop rotation, select varieties resistant to Damping off disease.

  • Seed treatment before sowing is very important.

  • For biological control, Combat (Trichoderma viride) at 8 gm/kg seed or

  • Treat with Vitavax power  (Carboxin 37.5%+ Thiram 37.5% WS) 3 gm/kg seed.

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Whitefly infestation and control measures in tomatoes

Whitefly infestation and control measures in tomatoes

This fly is white in colour, both its nymphs and adults suck the sap from the soft parts of the plant, which weakens the plant and it also works to spread viral diseases. Whiteflies leave a sticky substance on the part of the plant from where they suck the sap, due to which black mold appears there. Due to this the process of photosynthesis in the plant is disrupted. These insects stick to the lower surface of the leaves.

Control: To control it, apply Neemgold neem oil 1000 ml/acre or Bave Curb (Beauveria bassiana 5% WP) 500 gm/acre or ThiaNova (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) 80 gm/acre or Admire (Imidacloprid 70% WG) 30 gm/acre. Mix it in 200 litres of water and spray it.

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