Next activity for your Wheat crop

3 to 5 days after sowing- Pre-emergence herbicide spray

For the managemnt of weeds before emergence spray Pendamethalin 38.7% CS (Dhanutop super) 700 ml per acre.


Next activity for your Wheat crop

At the time of sowing- Basal dose and first irrigation

Just after sowing give first irrigation and apply basal dose of fertilizer as below. Mix all these & spread over soil- Urea 20 kg, DAP- 50 kg, MoP- 25 kg, NPK bacteria (SKB Fosterplus BC-15)- 100 gm, Zn solubilizing bacteria (SKB ZnSB)- 100 gm, Seaweed, Amino, Humic & Mycorrhiza (Maxxmyco)- 2 kg per acre


Next activity for your Wheat crop

1 to 2 days before sowing- Seed treatment

To protect the seed from fungus in soil, treat the seeds with Carbendazim + Mancozeb (CarmaNova) 2.5 gm or Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% (Vitavax power) 2.5 gm per kg seeds. Give light irrigation to the field three days before sowing.


Next activity for your Wheat crop

8 to 10 days before sowing-Field preparation

In 4 tonns of FYM, add 500 gm Trichoderma viride (Rhizocare). Mix properly and spread over soil for one acre area. If in your region Termite is a major problem, broadcast Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR granules (Caldan) 7.5 kg per acre.


Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan spoke to the farmers of the state through a mobile message about purchase of wheat. He said that in the ongoing lockdown due to the Corona crisis, the government has started the work of purchasing wheat and other rabi crops at support price. He also gave other information related to the purchase in his message. He said that along with the mandis, private buying centers and traders have also been given the facility to sell from home through deal sheets.

The Chief Minister told the farmers that they should not worry, the government will buy every grain of your produce. In this message, he also discussed the last date of purchase. He said that wheat procurement will be done at the procurement centers by May 31 and farmers will be able to sell their produce by June 30 from the deal sheet. Along with this, the Chief Minister also asked the farmers to avoid corona infection and follow the lockdown.

Source: Krishak Jagat


Madhya Pradesh government made a roadmap for wheat procurement amid lockdown

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has given a big relief by clearing the doubt about wheat sale among farmers amid the ongoing lockdown on the Corona global epidemic. Under this, the procurement of wheat at the minimum support price in the state will start from April 15. During this time social distance will also be taken care of, and every day only selected farmers will be called through SMS.

Significantly, last year there were 3545 procurement centers in the state, which has been increased to 3813 this time and other new centers are also being built. This time the total number of procurement centers will be up to 4000.

On this whole issue, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has said that the lockdown is expected to open in the state on April 14. After this, Rabi procurement work will be started in the state from April 15. He said that the procurement work has to be finished by 31 May. Time is short. Therefore, making such a system, so that wheat, gram, mustard and lentil crops of farmers can be easily purchased at the support price. 


Purchase of wheat on support price postponed

  • Due to the Lockdown in the country due to the Corona epidemic, although the Central Government has given an exemption to farmers for agricultural activities and selling crops, etc. But still, the procurement of crops has not been started by the state governments, the main reason for this is the State government does not want to allow more crowds to gather at one place.
  • Already, purchases on Minimum Support Price in Rajasthan have been postponed indefinitely. Now the Madhya Pradesh government has also decided to postpone the purchase of wheat at the MSP.
  • Earlier, under normal circumstances, the purchase of wheat at MSP by the Government of Madhya Pradesh was to be done from April 1, 2020. For this, farmers have already registered with e-procurement.
  • But now the state government has postponed the wheat procurement work being started from April 1, 2020, keeping in view the situation of Coronavirus till further orders.

Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, Indian Council of Agricultural Research gave useful advice on harvesting

Amidst fears of Corona, the Indian Council of Agricultural Research has given some useful advice to farmers on harvesting. Council has said that farmers can postpone wheat harvesting for a few days. The Council believes that the harvesting of wheat can be delayed till April 20 and there will be no loss.

Citing the reason behind this, the council said that in most areas the temperature is still below average and hence some delay in harvesting can be done. Significantly, the harvesting of wheat generally starts from the end of March.


Central government will give concession on the prices of wheat and rice

Central government will give concession on the prices of wheat and rice
  • The government has taken some major steps to deal with this difficult phase of the Corona World Pandemic
  • It has been decided in the Central Cabinet meeting chaired by the Prime Minister to give food grains to 80 crore people of the country at a cheaper rate.
  • The government has decided to give Rs 27 per kg Wheat at just Rs 2 per kg and Rs 37 per kg Rice at Rs 3 per kg to 80 crore people. 
  • 1 lakh 80 thousand crore will be spent on this, which has been given in advance to the states for three months.

Benefits of spraying potassium-rich fertilizer in wheat crop

  • potassium regulates the opening and closing of stomata, which promotes the process of Photosynthesis. 
  • Potassium is also responsible for Protein and starch synthesis in plants.
  • Potassium always plays a good role in drought resistance.
  • Potassium has an important role in the activation of many growth-related enzymes in plants.
  • Potassium helps in increasing the resistance capacity against various diseases of the plant.