What is the price of different crops in the market of Indore

Mandi Bhaw


Crop Lowest Price Maximum Price
Dollar gram 2945 6900
Wheat 1317 1979
Gram Seasonal 3910 5485
Soybean 1800 5010
Corn 1190 1286
Lentil 2550 5050
Mung bean 6285 6285
Urad 3000 5250
Batla 2850 3910
Toor 2325 6145
Chili 4600 13900
Mustard 5160 5160
Onion Prices
New red onion (inward 16000 kattas) 2500 – 4000 ₹
Varieties Lowest Price Maximum Price
Super 3600 3900
Average 3000 3500
Golta 2800 3300
Golti 1800 2400
Chhatan 400 1800
Garlic Rate
New Garlic
(inward 21000 kattas) 4000 – 7500 ₹
Varieties Lowest Price Maximum Price
Super Ooty 6000 7000
Deshi Mota 5000 6000
Laddu Deshi 3800 4800
Medium 2000 3500
Medium 800 1500
Light 800 2000
New Potatoes
(inward 25000 kattas)
Varieties Lowest Price Maximum Price
Chips 800 1000
Jyoti 900 1025
Gulla 700 800
Chharri 200 350
Chhatan 600 900
Vegetable Prices
Crop Lowest Price Maximum Price
Lady Finger 1500 3500
Gourd 1500 3000
Brinjal 200 600
Cabbage 200 500
Capsicum 1000 2000
Carrots 300 800
Cabbage 600 1500
Green Coriander 800 1500
Cucumber 800 2000
Green Chilly 1000 3000
Fenugreek 200 800
Onion 1500 4000
Papaya 800 1600
Potato 200 1100
Pumpkin 300 600
Muli 600 1000
Spinach 300 800
Tomato 400 1000