What are the benefits of first spraying in chilli nursery

What are the benefits of first spraying in chilli nursery
  • In Chilli nursery it is very necessary to spray in the span of 10-15 days after sowing.

  • By this spray, diseases such as stem rot, root rot, do not occur on chilli crops.

  • The early stage pests of chilli nursery can be easily controlled.

  • In this stage, the use of these products in chilli nursery is very beneficial.

  • When the nursery is in a stage of 10 days, it is the  initial stage of germination . In this stage, spray can be done in two ways.

  • Spraying of Thiamethoxam  25% WG @ 10 gram/pump or  Beauveria Bassiana @ 5 -10 gram/liter to avoid pest infestation, and Thiophanate Methyl 70% W/W@ 30 gram/pump or Trichoderma viride + Pseudomonas fluorescens @  5-10 gram/liter for prevention of any fungal diseases,  with this spray add  humic acid @ 10 gram / pump for a good growth. 

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