Weed management in Soybean crop in 20 to 50 days

Weed Management in Soybean Crop
  • Soybean is the main Kharif crop and due to continuous rain it is very important to follow timely weed control after sowing of the crop.  
  • After sowing of the Soybean crop, there is an increase in growth of weeds like broad leaf and narrow leaf.  
  • In between day 20 to 50 of the soybean crop, narrow leaf weeds are more harmful, so it is very important to control them. The following products can be used to control these weeds.
  • Propaquizafop 10% EC @ 400 ml/acre This is a selective herbicide and used to control narrow leaf weeds.
  • Quizalofop Ethyl 5% EC @ 400 ml/acre is a selective herbicide and used to control narrow leaf weeds.


Weed management of Soybean

  • Weeds are a major problem in soybean production. We can use any one of the following weedicides as the solution of weeds.
  • Pre Emergence:-
    • Imazethapyr 2% + Pendimethalin 30% @ 1 li./2 Bigha. OR
    • Diclosulam 84 WDG @ 1 pouch(12.7g)/2 Bigha. 
  • Post Emergence :- 15-20 DAS spray 
    • Fomesafen 11.1% + Fluazifop-P-Butyl 11.1% SL @ 1 li for 6 bigha. OR
    • Chlorimuron Ethyl 25%WG @ 15 g/acre. OR
    • Sodium acifluorfen 16% + Clodinafop propargail 8% EC @ 400 g/acre. OR
    • Imizathapyr 10 %SL @ 1 ltr/hectare should be sprayed. For More Information, Please call on toll free no. 1800-315-7566.

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