Weed Management in Moong Crop

Weed Management in Moong Crop

If weed control is not done at the right time in moong crops then the yield of the crop can decrease by 40-60%. It is necessary to keep the crops free from weeds between 15 to 45 days after sowing in the initial stage of the crop. Normally two weedings should be done, first within 15-20 days and second within 30-35 days so that weeds can be controlled.

For chemical management of weeds, spray Dost Super (Pendimethalin 38.7%.CS) @ 700 ml per acre mixed with 150 – 200 litres of clean water within 72 hours of sowing.

In the standing crop of moong, when weeds like wild Amaranthus viridis, Euphorbia Spp. are at 2-3 leaf stage, then spray WeedBlock (Imazethapyr 10% SL+Surfactant) @ 300 ml per acre 10-15 days after sowing.

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