Weed management in Green gram crop

Weed management in Green gram crop
  • Green gram is included in the major pulses crops and it is a short duration crop with good production.

  • It is necessary to keep the crops free from weeds in the initial stage between 15 and 45 days after sowing.  

  • Generally weeding is effectively done by two hands weeding, first 15-20 and second within 30-35 days.

  • If mechanical/physical control measures are not adopted, the spray of Pendimethalin 38.7% [Dhanu Top Super] @ 700 ml/acre can be done within 0-3 days of sowing the seeds.

  • At 10 – 15 days after sowing of moong seed, In 2-4 leaf stage of weed, spray Imazethapyr 10% SL + Surfactant [Weedblock] @ 300 ml per acre.

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