Why are micronutrients important in vegetable crops?

Due to the continuous use of main nutrients in the soil, the deficiency of micronutrients is increasing day by day. Farmers use most of the main nutrients in the crops and almost negligible use of micronutrients like copper, zinc, iron, molybdenum, boron, manganese etc. because of this, over the years, the symptoms of micronutrient deficiency in the soil are visible on the plants. When there is a deficiency of micronutrients in the plants, its symptoms are visible directly in the plants. The deficiency of these nutrients in the crop can be done by replenishing these elements.

  • Molybdenum function – After the absorption of nitrate in plants, molybdenum works to break down nitrate, due to which nitrate goes to different parts of the plant, due to which there is no lack of nitrogen in the plant, and the growth of the plant is good. Molybdenum helps in fixation of atmospheric nitrogen by root nodule bacteria. Its deficiency causes whiptail disease in cauliflower.

  • Iron – Iron helps in the formation of chlorophyll. Essential for respiration and photosynthesis in plants, its deficiency causes chlorosis in plants.

  • Zinc  – Zinc stimulates enzyme activity in plants, helps in making hormones, increases immunity, and helps in the utilization of nitrogen and phosphorus.

  • Copper – Copper acts as an electron transfer agent in the enzyme. These enzymes are involved in the oxidation and reduction process in plants. Plants grow and reproduce by this process.

  • Boron – Pollination in flowers, formation of pollen tubes, making fruits and grains, metabolizing plant hormones and transporting them to all parts of the plant is the function of the boron element.

  • Manganese – Manganese Helps in the formation of chlorophyll. It acts as a catalyst in various activities. Due to the deficiency of manganese in plants, small brown spots are formed on the leaves. If deficiency symptoms are observed, spray micro-nutrients,  Mixol (Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Boron, Molybdenum) @ 250 gm/acre.

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Essential tips for summer vegetable cultivation

  • The way the temperature increases in the summer, because of this vegetable crops are greatly damaged.

  • Pre-prepared plants should be used to grow vegetables in summer.

  • Planting vegetable crops in a net or polyhouse in summer reduces crop losses.

  • There should be adequate irrigation available so that even after the temperature rises, there is no stress situation due to the lack of water in the crop.

  • Measures should be taken from time to time for flower and fruit growth.

  • In summer, we can sow cucurbitaceous crops, chilli, tomato, brinjal, etc.

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Take care of these things in preparation of vegetable seedlings

    • Before sowing most vegetable crops such as tomato, cabbage and onion, chilli, the seedlings are prepared in the nursery.

    • The seeds of these crops are small and thin, preparing their healthy seedlings is equivalent to growing half the crop.

    • The location should be at a height from where the drainage of water is appropriate and should be in the open where the first rays of the sun reach.

    • The land should be a loamy loam with a pH value of about 6.5.

    • Beds must be elevated 15-20 cm in height. Their width should be about 1 meter and the length should be 3 meters, which can be increased or reduced according to one’s convenience.

    • After sowing the seeds, periodic irrigation should be done.

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In summer, by adopting these measures, you can do proper cultivation of vegetables even in less water

  • There is high demand for vegetable crops in the summer season.

  • But the farmers do not have enough water for irrigation, hence farmers are not able to get much benefits from the vegetable crops.

  • Vegetable crops should not be sown in direct sunlight, even if there is a shortage of irrigation water, you can get a good production.

  • The irrigation of the crop should be arranged in such a way that less water is used to produce a better crop.

  • Drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation are some common methods which can be used to directly water in the roots of the plant.

  • This way, a good crop can be grown even with low water availability.

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