Use of vermicompost along with chemical fertilizers will be beneficial

Use of vermicompost along with chemical fertilizers will be beneficial
  • Vermicompost contains all the nutrients, hormones and enzymes which are important for plants, whereas fertilizers contain only nitrogen, phosphorus and potash.

  • Its effect remains in the field for a long time and the plants gradually receive the nutrients.

  • It is a complete nutritious fertilizer for crops which contain a high amount of organic matter. This increases the water absorption and water-holding capacity of the soil and also proves helpful in preventing soil erosion.

  • It contains humic acid, which is helpful in reducing the pH value of the soil. It plays an important role in improving unfertile land.

  • With its use, the beneficial micro-organisms found inside the soil get food, due to which they remain more active.

  • These work as natural fertilizers for all crops and have no side effects.

  • This improves the quality of the produce like size, colour, shine and taste and also increases the production capacity of the land.

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