Transplanting Precautions in Chilli

  • Transplanting of chili is done from July to September.
  • The month of August is best for transplanting of Chilli, then the month of September is good.
  • 5-7 Days before Transplanting, spray tebuconazole 25.9 % @ 1-1.5 gm per liter.
  • Before transplanting, Dip seedling roots in Mycorrhiza solution ( 100 gm of mycorrhiza with 10 ltr of water ).
  • Maintain plant spacing (60 x 45 cm) 
  • if we find some harmful insects at the time of field preparation then apply Carbofuran 3G @ 8 kg/acre.
  • if we have experience of wilting of plants, then apply Trichoderma viridae @ 4 kg/acre.

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