Symptoms of greening disease in citrus

Symptoms of greening disease in citrus
  • Citrus Greening is considered to be the most destructive disease of citrus. Once a tree is infected, there is no effective control or cure for the disease.  

  • The vector of this disease is citrus psylla insect and grafting process.

  • Due to this disease, the leaves of the plants remain small and grow upwards.

  • More leaves and fruits start falling from the plants and the plant remains dwarf.

  • Infected branches show symptoms of dieback, while other branches appear healthy.

  • The fruits of diseased plants remain green even after ripening. If such fruits are seen against sunlight, then yellow spots appear on their peels.

  • Fruits of infected plants are small, distorted, have less juice and taste unpleasant.

  • Management- This disease is transmitted by grafting, so budwood should be used from healthy plants.

  • Can spray Quinalphos [Celquin] 700 ml or Profenofos 40% + Cypermethrin 04% EC [ProfeNova]  400 ml/acre.

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