Symptoms and control of leaf miner in tomato crop

Symptoms and control of leaf miner in tomato crop

Pest Identification: The adult insect is pale yellow in colour and the very small legless maggot is orange-yellow in colour. Pupation takes place in the tunnel.

Symptom: The nymphs of this insect feed on the green part of the leaves and make crooked white tunnels in them, and a white spiral line appears on the affected leaves. Due to this, the photosynthesis of plants decreases. In case of severe infestation, the leaves dry up and fall down.

Control: Remove and destroy the infected leaves. And for control spray, Tafgor (Dimethoate 30 EC) @ 396 ml/acre or Media (Imidacloprid 17.80 % SL) @ 60 ml/acre followed by Novamaxx (Gibberellic acid 0.001 % L) @ 30 ml per acre after 2 days.

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