Symptoms and control of Diamond back moth in cabbage crop

Symptoms and control of Diamond back moth in cabbage crop

Cruciferous vegetables are badly damaged by this pest, especially in the late sown crop in the month of February.

Symptoms: The moths of this pest are more active during the night and lay yellow-coloured eggs near the middle vein on the lower surface of the leaves. And the caterpillar of this insect is harmful, which is greenish-yellow in the initial stage and later becomes like the colour of the leaves. And larva initially scratches the lower surface of the leaves due to which white spots are formed on the leaves, and in a later stage, larvae damage the leaves by piercing them.

Control: For monitoring and control of diamondback moths, apply DBM Lure @ 10 traps per acre in the field. And if the infestation is observed, spray Emanova (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SC) @ 60-80 ml per acre or Cover (Chlorantraniliprole 18.50% SC) @ 20 ml per acre mixed with 150 – 200 litres of water.

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