Symptoms and control of blossom end rot in watermelon crop

Symptoms and control of blossom end rot in watermelon crop

Blossom end rot is caused due to calcium deficiency in the plant. When these symptoms appear, it may be that there is not enough calcium in the soil or calcium is present but the plant roots can not absorb it. In this disease, a dark brown or black spot appears at the end of the fruit, which later dries up or becomes leathery. It is light green in the initial stage but turns brown and black as the fruit matures.

Control: To control it, spray Chelated Calcium @ 1 – 2 g per litre of water, or YaraLiva Calcinate (Calcium Nitrate) @ 0.5 – 1.25 kg per acre per day through a drip for one week. Along with this, maintain sufficient moisture in the field continuously.

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