Symptoms and control measures of white fly and jassid in okra crop!

Symptoms and control measures of white fly and jassid in okra crop

Jassid: Due to its outbreak, the soft leaves turn yellow, and the edge of the leaves turn downwards and turn red. In severe infestations, the leaf margins become bronzed, this condition is known as “hopper burn”. The edges of the leaves break into pieces when crushed. Due to this, the growth of the crop slows down.

White fly: Chlorotic spots are formed on the leaves, which later merge to produce yellowing of the leaf tissue. These insects secrete honeydew, which leads to the development of black mold. Also, it is a carrier of the yellow vein mosaic virus. It is the most devastating disease of okra. Severe whitefly infestations cause premature defoliation.

Control Measures: To control these pests and more flowering, Spray Thianova 25 (Thiamethoxam 25% WG) @ 40 gm or Pager (Diafenthiuron  50 % WP) @ 240 gm + Nutriful Maxx  @ 250 ml @ 150 to 200 litres of water per acre.

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