Symptoms and control measures of Jassid pest damage in brinjal crop!

Symptoms and control measures of Jassid pest damage in brinjal crop

Both nymphs and adults of this insect suck the sap from the underside of the leaves. Affected leaves turn yellow at the edges, turning upwards. This pest does not cause any direct damage to the brinjal crop but acts as a carrier of the little leaf of brinjal. Flowers and fruits do not develop in the crops affected by this disease. And also transfer mosaic virus disease.

Control measures of Jassid

To control these, Spray Solomon (Beta-Cyfluthrin 08.49% + Imidacloprid 19.81% w/w OD) @ 80 ml or Superkiller 25 (Cypermethrin 25% EC) @ 80 ml + Novamaxx @ 300 ml + Silicomaxx gold @ 50 ml per acre in 150-200 litres of water.
