Symptoms and control measures of Foot rot in wheat

Symptoms and control measures of Foot rot in wheat
  • This disease is found in high-temperature regions like Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka and is mainly seen in soybean-wheat crop rotation.

  • The disease is caused by a fungus called Sclerocium rolfsii, which is found in infected soil. 

  • Plants affected by this disease develop white fungus on the collar part above the root and the above-ground part of the stem rots and finally, the diseased plant dies.

  • Chemical treatment: Spray Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC @ 300 ml/acre or Chlorothalonil 75% WP @ 400 gm/acre or Kitazin 48% EC @ 300 ml/acre.

  • Biological treatment: Apply Pseudomonas fluorescens @ 250 gm/acre.

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