How to Control Stem Borer in Sweet Corn

  • This is the major and more harmful insect of Sweet corn
  • Central shoot withers and leading to “dead heart”.
  • Larvae mines the midrib enter the stem and feeds on the internal tissues.
  • Boreholes are visible on the stem near the nodes.
  • Young larva crawls and feeds on tender folded leaves causing typical “shot hole” symptom.
  • Affected parts of the stem may show internally tunneling caterpillars. In the later stage, the plant becomes die.


  • Mix any one of the following granular insecticides with sand to make up a total quantity of 50 kg and apply in the leaf whorls on the 20th day after sowing.
    Phorate 10% G 4 kg/acre or Fipronil 0.3% G 5 kg/acre on 15-20 day after sowing.
  • If granular insecticides are not used, spray any one of the following:
    • Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 200 ml /acre on the 20th day of sowing.
    • Fipronil 5% SC @ 500 ml/ acre on the 20 day after sowing.
    • Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP @ 400 gm/acre.

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How to Control Stem Borer in Sweet Corn

  • This is the major and more harmful insect of Sweet corn
  • Central shoot withers and leading to “dead heart”.
  • Larvae mines the midrib enter the stem and feeds on the internal tissues.
  • Boreholes are visible on the stem near the nodes.
  • Young larva crawls and feeds on tender folded leaves causing typical “shot hole” symptom.
  • Affected parts of the stem may show internally tunneling caterpillars. In the later stage, the plant becomes die.


  • Mix any one of the following granular insecticides with sand to make up a total quantity of 50 kg and apply in the leaf whorls on the 20th day after sowing.
    Phorate 10% G 4 kg/acre or Fipronil 0.3% G 5 kg/acre on 15-20 day after sowing.
  • If granular insecticides are not used, spray any one of the following:
    • Bifenthrin 10% EC @ 200 ml /acre on the 20th day of sowing.
    • Fipronil 5% SC @ 500 ml/ acre on the 20 day after sowing.
    • Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP @ 400 gm/acre.

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How much harmful stem borer in sweet corn and how to control ?

  • In India, about 13.2% of economic yield losses have been reported due to insect-pests attack and disease incidence.
  • In different agro-climatic zones of our country, this insect has been reported as the cause of loss of 26.7 to 80.4% of the total yield of maize.
  • Young larvae inter the midrib of the stem and feed the internal tissue and make a shot hole on the stem of the plant. (Causing a condition referred to as “dead heart”).
  • It damaged the crop from 10-12 DAS to till harvesting.
  • Soil application of carbofuran 3% G@ 5-7 kg per acre.
  • The spray of Dimethoate 30% EC@180-240 ml per acre.

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Seed treatment for Sweet corn

  • Corn seed should be treated with Carboxin 37.5% + Thiram 37.5% WP @ 2g/kg of seed before sowing.

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Sowing method of sweet corn

  • Two seeds per hill are dibbled manually or mechanically one third from the top on the side of the ridge.
  • Excess seedlings should be thinned out 10 days after emergence to have single seedling per hill.

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Climate and soil for sweet corn

  • It needs warm, sunny weather.
  • The temperatures for optimum germination should be above 18°C.
  • For optimum growth and quality, the temperature range is from 24°C to 30°C.
  • Sweet corn requires a well-drained soil with adequate water holding capacity for optimum growth.
  • Sweet corn grows best in a soil with a pH between 5.8 and 6.5.

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Soil preparation for sweet corn

  • One summer deep ploughing followed by two or three harrowing with disc or tines and two or three planking should be given to prepare a well-pulverized seedbed.
  • Use FYM @ 3 -4 t / acre on the last plowing.
  • After this, lines and ferries should be laid with a difference of 75 cm. Seedbed preparation and seed handling are important for all types of sweet corn.

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