Identification and control Measures of sucking pest in chilli crop

White fly –

  • Its young and adult insects, suck the sap by the lower surface of the leaves, due to which the leaves turn upwards. 

  • The adult of this insect is light yellow and its wings are white in color. These pests cause the spread of leaf curl disease and YVM virus.

control –

To control it, take a spray of Prudens (PYRIPROXYFEN 10 % + BIFENTHRIN 10% EC) 250 ml + silicomaxx  50 ml per acre.

After 2 days, take a spray of  Privintal BV (Organic derive) @ 100 gm per acre.


  • Thrips cause severe damage in chilli crops.Both adults and nymphs of these pests harm the plant. When this insect sticks on the lower surface of the leaves of chilli and sucks the sap of the leaves. 

  • Due to which curling starts appearing in the leaves of chilli and these leaves turn upwards and become like a boat. 

  • In case of severe infestation, tufts of leaves are formed. Due to which the production decreases. This insect causes viral disease.

Control –

Spray Benevia (Cyantraniliprole 10.26% w/w OD) @ 240 ml + silico maxx 50 ml/acre.

After 2 days take a spray of  Privintal BV (Organic derive) @ 100 gm/acre.

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