MP becomes the leading state in wheat storage through scientific method

MP becomes the leading state in wheat storage through scientific method

Wheat procurement in Madhya Pradesh has been going on daily since April 15 and now its storage has also started. Wheat is being stored scientifically here. Madhya Pradesh has become the leading state in the country in terms of scientific storage. The 289 cooperative societies of the state have procured 11 lakh metric tonnes of wheat from more than 1 lakh of 81 thousand farmers. The acquired wheat is being stored in 25 silo bags and steel silos.

While explaining about silo bags and steel silos, Principal Secretary Food, Civil Supplies, and Consumer Protection Shri Shivasekhar Shukla said that this is the most modern technology for storing food grains. There is no need to use pesticides to preserve food for a long time. This technique can preserve wheat for a long time without using the pesticide.

This technique helps in maintaining social distancing
Principal Secretary Mr. Shukla explains that the silo-bagged technique is also helpful in maintaining the social distancing required to prevent corona infection. This technology requires less human labor in storage. In this method, the farmer reaches with his produce in a tractor, trolley or truck, then after weighing it with a weighing machine, its entire wheat is emptied for storage at once by the hydraulic system. This entire work takes only 15 to 20 minutes and does not gather much crowd.

Source: Public Relations Department, Madhya Pradesh


Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

Know the last date of purchase of wheat on support price in Madhya Pradesh

Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan spoke to the farmers of the state through a mobile message about purchase of wheat. He said that in the ongoing lockdown due to the Corona crisis, the government has started the work of purchasing wheat and other rabi crops at support price. He also gave other information related to the purchase in his message. He said that along with the mandis, private buying centers and traders have also been given the facility to sell from home through deal sheets.

The Chief Minister told the farmers that they should not worry, the government will buy every grain of your produce. In this message, he also discussed the last date of purchase. He said that wheat procurement will be done at the procurement centers by May 31 and farmers will be able to sell their produce by June 30 from the deal sheet. Along with this, the Chief Minister also asked the farmers to avoid corona infection and follow the lockdown.

Source: Krishak Jagat
