Spray and nutrition and management in 15 days of onion transplanting

Spray and nutrition and management in 15 days of onion transplanting
  • Nutrition management and spray management in 15 days of transplanting of onion is very important for good production.
  • With the proper nutrient management, nutrients are properly used by the onion plants and the roots of the onion crop spread well in the ground also developing  immunity against diseases.
  • Urea @ 30 kg / acre + sulfur 90% @ 10 kg / acre should be mixed with soil and broadcast in the field before sowing.
  • Urea is a source of nitrogen as well as sulfur. It plays a very important role in prevention of fungal diseases as well as in nutrient supply.
  • For insect control, spray Fipronil @ 5% SC @ 400 ml / acre. 
  • Spray Humic acid @ 100 gram / acre for good root growth, spread well in the ground.
  • For fungal diseases spray Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% @ 300 gram / acre or Thiophanate Methyl 70% W/W@ 300 gram / acre.