Treat soybean seeds with this kit, you will get good yield

Soybean Seed Treatment Kit
  • In the soybean crop, it is very important to treat the seeds before sowing.

  • For this, gramophone has presented soybean “Seed Treatment Kit”

  • This kit contains fungicide, insecticide and  Rhizobium bacteria required by the soybean.

  • Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP @ 2.5 gram/kg seed + Thiamethoxam 30% FS @ 5 ml/kg seed + Rhizobium @ 5 gram/kg seed, useful for Seed Treatment

This kit works for the soybean crop as follows

  • Control of soil borne diseases: – Protects seed and young plants from soil borne fungi and bacteria, which keeps seeds safe in the soil.

  • Improving germination: – By treating seeds with proper fungicide, their surface is protected from the attack of fungi, which increases their germination capacity!

  • Protection from insects: – By treating seeds with  insecticide, protect from soil insects  and  provide protection from sucking insects after germination.

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