Important things for soybean cultivation

  • Before sowing, farmers should germinate 100 grains of soybean, if more than 75 grains germinate, then only the seed should be considered for sowing. This will lead to a good yield of soybean and farmers will be benefited.

  • Farmers can get better results by experimentally using the component of natural farming on soybean crops and do natural farming on more areas of ​​upcoming crops.

  • Farmers should take firm bills from institutions while buying seeds, fertilizers and pesticides.

  • By adopting crop diversification, take more than one crop to compensate for the loss due to less or more rainfall.

  • Select a new variety (within 10 years) while selecting the seed.

  • The suitable time for sowing of soybean is around 15th June to 10th July first week.

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Weed control measures in soybean crop

  • Pre-emergence (after sowing and before seed germination) Spray weedicide within 3-5 days of sowing with Imazethapyr 2% + Pendimethalin 30% EC (Wilforce – 32) @ 1 ltr/acre at 200 ltr water. And use a flat fan nozzle. There is an effective control of weeds with broad and narrow leaves.

  • Spraying of Diclosulam: 84%WDG (Mark/Strongarm) @ 12.4 gm/acre at the rate of 200 ltr of water within 3-5 days of sowing. And use a flat fan nozzle. 

Advantages of soybean weed control

Eliminating soybean weeds can increase production by about 25 to 70 percent.

Out of the available nutrients in the soil, 30 to 60 kg of nitrogen, 8-10 kg of phosphorus and 40-100 kg of potash per hectare increase.

Apart from this, the growth of crops is faster and the level of production increases.

And the outbreak of germs of insects and diseases is less.

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Current advice related to Soybean cultivation in the changing environment

Current advice related to Soybean cultivation in the changing environment

For the cultivation of soybean, sow after 20 June. Rainfall is likely to occur by the end of September this year, so short-term soybean varieties may be a problem. Hence long-term soybeans can be used for early planting. For seed treatment, take out the seeds of soybean and prepare the seeds after treatment.

For seed treatment use clean and Vitavax 2.5 gram per kg seed and Jhalora 2.0 ml per kg seed, P Rise 2.0 gram for organic seed treatment along with Rhizo Care 5 gram per kg. It is necessary to treat soybean with Rhizobium at the rate of 5 grams per kg of seeds. If there is a problem of drying soybeans in your field, then spread the rhizocare 500 grams per acre with good ripe dung manure. Be sure to use Soybean Samriddhi Kit before sowing.
