How to take care of soybean crops in low rainfall?

soybean crops in low rainfall
  • We all are aware how the climate is changing these days.
  • This shifting pattern of weather makes heavy rainfall in some areas and low rainfall in others, it is in these areas of low rainfall that soybean crop is being affected drastically.
  • Soybean crops suffer a lot due to drought and high temperatures.
  • The symptoms of water scarcity are seen on the soybean crop in the form of dullness and the plant wilting causing the plant to come under stress which makes the growth of the soybean plant reduced or stunted.
  • For its management, spray GIBBERELLIC ACID @ 0.001% @ 300 ml / acre or TRIACONTANOL 0.1% @ 300 ml / acre or HUMIC ACID @ 100 gram / acre or SEAWEED @ 400 ml / acre.
  • If soybean crop is in the fruit or flowering stage and the plant gets under stress due to lack of water and high temperature, spray HOMOBRASSINOLIDE @ 100 ml/acre.