Somewhere the weather is beneficial and somewhere it is getting fatal

Somewhere the weather is beneficial and somewhere it is getting fatal
  • These days in the state, the weather is proving to be a profitable deal for the farmers and sometimes a loss. Winter rain is like nectar for most of the crops. But the farmers are worried about crop failure due to the hailstorm along with winter rain.

  • Experts say that light rain in the rabi season is like nectar for crops while hailstorms are harmful to crops.

  • Rainfall in winter is uniform in all areas. It also helps farmers to save on irrigation expenses. At the same time, it decreases the temperature. Due to this, the chances of frost getting reduced. It does not damage the crops.

  • Rainfall helps in the production of crops. Because nitrogen also comes with rainwater. Due to this, the need for urea fertilizer for the farmers is reduced. That’s where irrigation gives relief. However, if it rains excessively, it is harmful.

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