Solution of powdery mildew disease in watermelon

Solution of powdery mildew disease in watermelon
  • As the temperature rises, the outbreak of this disease increases. 

  • Usually, this disease affects the leaves, yellow to white powdery deposits appear on the upper and lower surface of the leaves.

  • Solution – Controlling the outbreak of this disease at an early stage gives good results.

  • Do not allow weeds in the field and in case of high infestation, remove the affected plants from the field.

  • For chemical management of the disease, spray Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC [Custodia] @ 300 ml or Myclobutanil 10% WP [Index] 100 gm or Flusilazole 40% EC [Cursor] 60 ml/acre.

  • In biological management, spray Trichoderma viridi [Combat] @ 500 gm + Pseudomonas fluorescens [Monas kerb] @ 250 gm/acre.

  • Keep in mind that for this disease, do not use the same fungicide, again and again, use the fungicide alternately.

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