Ideal soil and its preparation for growing Onion

  • Onions can be grown on various soils. But sandy loam, silty loam, and deep friable soils are best suited for onion crop.
  • The land is prepared by giving 5-6 ploughings.
  • The optimum pH range is between 5.8 and 6.5. For maintain, pH level apply 50 kg gypsum per ha. (According to soil pH Level).
  • Land should be prepared in such a way that the excess water can be drained out easily and make weed free. Apply the field with 15-20 tones of well-composed FYM before last ploughing.

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Suitable soil for Gram

Gram is grown on a wide range of soils in India. In Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, black cotton soils are used. Though gram is grown on all kinds of soils, sandy loam to clay loam is considered to be the most suitable which are found in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Rajasthan.  For better growth soil should be well drained and not too heavy. Heavy soils have a high water retention capacity which encourages heavy vegetative growth due to which light becomes limiting and decreases fruiting. The soil chosen for its cultivation should be free from excessive soluble salts and near neutral in reaction (6.5-75 pH).

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