Soil solarization before nursery preparation of chilli

Soil solarization before nursery preparation of chilli
  • Chilli nursery preparation starts in the first week of May.

  • It is very important to do field selection, field preparation etc. in the month of April.

  • For the preparation of chilli nursery, first of all, it is very important to solarize the soil. So that the crop can be saved from fungal diseases and pests etc. The suitable time for solarization in April-May.

  • In this process, the soil is moved up and down by ploughing, levelling it by running a leveller, and then wetting the soil by irrigation.

  • Then spread 200 gauge (50 μm) of transparent polyethene over the entire nursery area for about 5–6 weeks.

  • The edges of the polythene should be covered with the help of wet soil so that air cannot enter inside the polythene.

  • After 5-6 weeks, remove the polythene sheet.

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