Land Preparation for Watermelon Cultivation

Land Preparation for Watermelon Cultivation:-

  • Watermelons can grow in many kinds of soil, but prefer a light, sandy, fertile loam that drains easily.
  • Add generous amounts of manure, compost and leaves to your field and work the soil well prior to planting.
  • Fields should be prepared thoroughly by plowing and harrowing and removing the different types of plant debris.
  • A gentle, south-facing slope is ideal.
  • It should also be pulverized and leveled; furrows are made 2 m apart.

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Soil Preparation and Sowing Time for Wheat

Soil Preparation and Sowing Time for Wheat:-

  • One summer deep ploughing followed by two or three harrowing with disc or tines and two or three planking should be given to prepare a well pulverized seed bed.
  • Suitable time of sowing
  • Dryland:- Mid October to first week of November.
  • Semi Irrigated:- First fortnightly of November.
  • Irrigated :- Second fortnightly of November.
  • Irrigated (Late):- Second fortnightly of December.

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Soil and its preparation in Garlic

Soil and its preparation: – Garlic can be grown on various soils. But sandy loam, silly loam and deep friable soils are best suited for Garlic crop. The land is prepared by giving 5-6 ploughings. The optimum pH range is between 5.8 and 6.5. For maintain pH level apply 50 kg gypsum per ha. (According to soil pH Level). Land should be prepared in such a way that the excessive water can be drained out easily and make weed free. Apply the field with 15-20 tones of Well Composed FYM before last ploughing.


Ideal soil and its preparation for growing Onion

  • Onions can be grown on various soils. But sandy loam, silty loam, and deep friable soils are best suited for onion crop.
  • The land is prepared by giving 5-6 ploughings.
  • The optimum pH range is between 5.8 and 6.5. For maintain, pH level apply 50 kg gypsum per ha. (According to soil pH Level).
  • Land should be prepared in such a way that the excess water can be drained out easily and make weed free. Apply the field with 15-20 tones of well-composed FYM before last ploughing.

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