Sheath Blight will cause heavy loss in paddy, take preventive measures soon

Sheath Blight will cause heavy loss in paddy
  • Sheath Blight is a fungal disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani. Due to the development of high-yielding and highly fertilizer-consuming species, this disease occupies a prominent place in paddy diseases.

  • Its effect is so much that it can cause up to 50 per cent loss in yield. The infection of this disease starts appearing in the nursery itself. Due to this, the plants start rotting from below.

  • In the main field, these symptoms appear at the final stage of tillering. Spots begin to form on the leaf sheaths above the water surface. The shape of these spots is irregular the edge is dark brown and the middle part is light coloured. Circular spots are formed on the leaves.

  • Many small spots together make a big spot. Due to this the sheath, stem, and flag leaf get completely affected and the plant dies. In the fields, this disease appears more acute in August and September. In infected plants, spikes emerge and grains are also not formed.

  • Spray Novacone (Hexaconazole 5% EC) @ 400 ml or Sheathmar (Validamycin 3% L) @ 600 – 800 ml per acre as soon as initial symptoms appear.

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