Select these advanced seed varieties of cotton and get bumper production

Select these advanced seed varieties of cotton and get bumper production
  • Rasi RCH 659 BG II: This variety of cotton has strong plant and big size balls (Guler / Dode) weight ranges from 5.5 to 5.9 grams. The crop duration of this variety is 145–160 days. It is a good hybrid variety of medium duration and high production, which can be easily grown in heavy soil.  The distance from row to row is 4 feet and plant to plant is 1.5 feet. Seed rate is 600- 800 gram/acre and suitable for sowing  in May-June.

  • Rasi – Neo: is a good hybrid variety of medium duration and high production and a good quality and widely adapted variety, for fields with medium irrigated area and light to medium soil. The crop duration of this variety is 140-150 days, it is tolerant to the sucking pests like Aphid, Jassid , White fly etc. The balls are big in size and weight ranges from 5.5 to 5.9 grams. Distance from row to row and plants to plants will be  5×1.5 or 4×2 or 4×2.5 feet. Seed rate is 600- 800 gram/acre and it’s suitable for sowing  in May-June.

  • Nuziveedu – Bhakti: Crop duration of this variety is 155-160 days, suitable for  average irrigated and heavy soils. It is tolerant to mites and also has high immunity to american bollworm and pink bollworm. Its balls are of medium size and average weight up to 5 grams. distance from row to row and  plants to plants is to be kept – 3×1.5 feet. Seed rate is 600- 800 gram/acre and suitable for sowing  in May-June.

  • Prabhat Seed – Super Cot PCH-115Bt-II: Crop duration of this variety is 140-150 days, suitable for average irrigated and heavy soils. Its stem is hard and the plant is lengthy and it is recommended for the Central India region. This variety is resistant to the sucking pest. Its balls are large and average weight is 5.5 to 6 grams. The distance from row to row and  plant to plant – 4×1.5 feet has to be kept. Seed rate is 600- 800 gram/acre and suitable for sowing  in May-June.

  • Rasi – Magna: It is a 140-150 days variety . It is a good variety for fields with medium irrigated area and heavy soils. It has tolerance to the sucking pest and its balls are large in size and weigh less than 6.59 grams.. The distance from row to row and plant to plant is to be kept 5×1.5 or 4 x 2 feet. Seed rate of this variety is 600- 800 gram/acre and is suitable for sowing in the month of May-June.

  • Kaveri – Jadoo:  It is a 155-170 days variety  and is good for fields with irrigated and non-irrigated area and light to medium soil. It is tolerant to dry and sucking insects, is resistant to pink bollworm and american bollworm. . Its balls (dode) are of medium size and weigh 6 to 6.5 grams. The distance from row to row and  plant to plant – 4×1.5 feet . Therefore, it is a good variety for sowing in short distances. 600- 800 gram/acre seed rate and suitable for sowing in the month of May-June.

  • Aditya – Moksha BG2: This is a 140-150 days variety and is good for irrigated and non-irrigated areas and fields with heavy soils. Its balls are large and weigh 6 to 7 grams.  Erect plant  so it is good for sowing in a short distance. the distance from row to row and  plant to plant – 4×2.5 feet, 600- 800 gram/acre seed rate and suitable for sowing in the month of May-June.

  • ANKUR | 3028 BG: This hybrid variety has a growth of the plant-like column type with good production. This  is resistant to sucking pests and suitable for close sowing. It is a long fiber and high yielding variety in even adverse conditions. It is a favorable variety for sowing in the monsoon season. 600- 800 gram/acre seed rate and it is suitable for sowing in the month of May-June.

For such important information related to agriculture and agricultural products, keep reading Gramophone’s articles daily. Be sure to visit the market option of gramophone to purchase advanced agricultural products. To purchase the above mentioned seeds, go to the market option of the app.
