Save sugarcane crop from red rot disease, know the control measures

Save sugarcane crop from red rot disease
  • This fungus mainly attacks the stem and leaves of the sugarcane plant. the leaves of the upper portion of the plant become pale and dark red which ultimately droop down.

  • The stem splits and many red-coloured longitudinal streaks are formed on it. The red colouring is mainly in the vascular bundles and often in the pith.

  • At severe infection, the stem gets rotten, shrinks at internodes, and becomes dull in appearance. The pathogen attacks all the parts above the ground, but more especially the canes stems, and midribs of leaves.

  • When the diseased canes(stems) are split open, the tissues of the internodes will be found longitudinally reddened (normally white or yellowish-white) in one or more internodes.

  • This red colour is interrupted by white patches extending crosswise on the canes. In the case of true red rot, the red colour extends through many internodes.

  • To control it, remove the affected bunches at the initial stage and drench the soil with Carbendazim 50 WP (1 gram per 1 liter of water).

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