Root-Knot Nematode in Tomato

Root-Knot Nematode in Tomato
  • The nematode attacks the roots and produces tiny galls.
  • These galls then block the movement of nutrients and water in the plant system resulting in its wilting and finally leading to its death.
  • Symptoms include yellowing of the foliage and wilting of the upper leaves.
  • Can be avoided by using resistant varieties
  • Use deep plowing as a method to control root-knot nematodes.
  • Neem cake at the rate of 80 Kg/Acre should be applied for effective control.
  • Carbofuran 3G at the rate of 8 kg/acre should be applied as a soil treatment.
  • PAECILOMYCES LILACINUS (Nematofree) @ 10 gram / kg seed for seed treatment, 50 gm / meter sq Nursery Treatment
  • PAECILOMYCES LILACINUS (Nematofree)@ 1 kg/acre use as a soil treatment. 