Basis for selection of Cotton variety:-

On the Basis of Soil Type:-

Light to Medium Soil:-  Neo (Rasi).

Heavy Soil:- Rch 659 BG II, Magna (Rasi), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the basis of Irrigation source:-

Rainfed:- Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya).

Semi-irrigated:-  Neo, Magna (Rasi), Moneymaker (Kaveri), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

Irrigated:-  Rch 659 BG II (Rasi), Jadoo (Kaveri).

On the Basis of Plant habit:-

  Erect:-  Jadoo (Kaveri), Moksha BG2 ( Aditya), Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

    Bushy varieties:- Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi), Super Cot Bt-II (Prabhat).

On the Basis of Crop duration:-

   Early variety (140-150 days)

Rch 659 BG-II (Rasi).

Bhakti (Nuziveedu).

Super Cot Bt- II (Prabhat).

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