Problem and solution of Purple blotch disease in Onion

  • The disease begins at the edges of old leaves. Initially, small, oval spots which later become purple-brown and the edges of these spots are yellow.
  • When the spots start to grow, then the yellow edges spread upwards and form wounds on the bottom.
  • The stems of leaves and flowers wither and the plant dries up.
  • 2-3-years crop cycle should be adopted with other non-tuber crops.
  • To prevent this disease, spraying Kitazin 48 EC 80 ml or Chlorothalonil 75 WP 300 g or Carbendazim 12 + Mancozeb 63 WP 500 g @ 200 ml/acre with 200 liters of water is sprayed.

Management of Purple Blotch in Onion

  • For managing the disease effectively, healthy seed should be used. 
  • Crop rotation of 2-3 years with non-related crops should be followed. 
  • Spray fungicides, Mancozeb 75% WP @ 800 gm/acre  or 
  • Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 400 ml/acre or 
  • Propiconazole 25% EC @ 200 ml/ acre at 10-15 days intervals from 30 days after transplanting or as soon as disease appears.

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Purple Blotch in Onion

  • Initially small, elliptical lesions or spots that often turn purplish-brown which are surrounded by chlorotic margin. If the spots enlarge, chlorotic margin extend above and below the actual lesion. Lesions usually girdle leaves, causing them to fall over. Lesions may also start at the tips of older leaves.
  • Hot and humid climate temperature ranging from  21-30 oC and relative humidity (80-90%) favour the development of  the disease.  
  • The Infected plants fail to develop bulbs.

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Management of Purple Blotch in Onion

Management of Purple Blotch in Onion:-

Initially small, elliptical lesions or spots that often turn purplish-brown which are surrounded by chlorotic margin. If the spots enlarge, chlorotic margin extend above and below the actual lesion. Lesions usually girdle leaves, causing them to fall over. Lesions may also start at the tips of older leaves.

For managing the disease effectively, healthy seed should be used. Crop rotation of 2-3 years with non related crops should be followed. Spay fungicides, Mancozeb 75% WP @ 45 gm/15 litre of water or Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 20 ml/15 litre of water or Propiconazole 25% EC @ 15 ml/ 15 litre of water at 10-15 days intervals from 30 days after transplanting or as soon as disease appears.

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Management of Purple Blotch in Garlic

Initially small, elliptical lesions or spots that often turn purplish-brown which are surrounded by chlorotic margin. If the spots enlarge, chlorotic margin extend above and below the actual lesion. Lesions usually girdle leaves, causing them to fall over. Lesions may also start at the tips of older leaves. For managing the disease effectively, healthy seed should be used. Crop rotation of 2-3 years with non related crops should be followed. Spay fungicides, Mancozeb 75% WP @ 45 gm/15 litre of water or Hexaconazole 5% SC @ 20 ml/15 litre of water or Propiconazole 25% EC @ 15 ml/ 15 litre of water at 10-15 days intervals from 30 days after transplanting or as soon as disease appears.

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